Background: In September 2013, Hubei International Technology Transfer Center (HBITTC) was jointly approved and set up by Department of International Cooperation of Ministry of Science and Technology and Torch High Technology Industry Development Center of Ministry of Science and Technology. Based in Wuhan, Hubei Province, HBITTC is the only national technology transfer agency facing the world in Hubei Province. HBITTC is under the direct management of Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department, and Hubei Science and Technology Exchange Center is responsible for its day-to-day operation.
Affiliated with Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department, Hubei Science and Technology Exchange Center is a service agency specializing in S&T exchange activities. Its aim is to enhance joint research and development, brain gain, technology transfer, and industrialization through international S&T exchanges, to provide enterprises, research institutions in Hubei with S&T and talent support, and to promote Hubei S&T and economic cooperation with other countries and regions, making a contribution towards S&T, economic, and social progress in Hubei Province.
Goal: To advance technology transfer and innovative cooperation between Hubei Province and the rest of the world, to promote innovation development in Hubei Province.
Service: Providing valuable technology offer and request information in Hubei and the world
Organizing high-level technology match-making events;
Providing high-quality technology transfer supporting services;
Providing efficient technology match-making channels;
Providing professional policy interpretation and consultancy concerning technology transfer
Hubei Science and Technology Foreign Cooperation Comprehensive Service Platform :The major decision of building “Hubei Science and Technology Foreign Cooperation Comprehensive Service Platform” was made by Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department in order to deepen international S&T collaboration and exchanges in Hubei Province. Targeting the entire province as well as foreign enterprises, research institutions, universities, and intermediaries, the Platform serves as a channel for international S&T cooperation and information sharing. The Platform is also an integral part of online platform for provincial S&T achievement management and technology trading. It acts as a bridge for connecting technology with capital as well as the match-making of international S&T achievements.